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Anniversary of the Beatification of Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska (1993)
April 18, 2023 All day
On April 18, 1993, Pope John Paul II beatified Mother Mary Angela, saying, “Blessed Mary Angela’s life was marked with love. She was concerned about all people: those hungry for bread, the heartbroken, the homeless, and those hungering for the truth of the Gospel.”
Blessed Mary Angela
The instantaneous healing of Lillian Halasinski in 1984 was the miracle, researched and certified by the Catholic Church, that led to the beatification of Blessed Mary Angela. Lillian Halasinski, suffering from the excruciating pain of incurable diabetic neuropathy, prayed to Mother Angela every day for relief. On January 4, 1984, as Lillian prayed to Mother Angela, her pain disappeared and she was rendered cured of the disease.
Beatification is the first step toward being named a saint of the Catholic Church. The Felician Sisters are actively promoting the cause for the canonization of Blessed Mary Angela.