Catholic Days and Seasons
Feast Day of Our Lady of Hope
Our Lady of Pontmain, also known as Our Lady of Hope, is the title given to the Virgin Mary following her apparition in Pontmain, France, on January 17, 1871. In 2008, when the Felician Sisters formed their North American Province, they chose Our Lady of Hope as their patron.
World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life
In 1997, Saint John Paul II, instituted a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life – consecrated to God by the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day.
Feast of the Annunciation
The Feast of the Annunciation commemorates the Archangel Gabriel's announcement to the Virgin Mary that she would become the mother of Jesus Christ.
Anniversary of the Beatification of Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska (1993)
On April 18, 1993, Pope John Paul II beatified Mother Mary Angela, citing her profound love and care for the suffering. Her beatification followed the certified miracle of Lillian Halasinski’s cure from diabetic neuropathy in 1984, attributed to her prayers. The Felician Sisters are advancing her cause for canonization.
Feast of St. Felix of Cantalice
St. Felix of Cantalice, a 16th-century Capuchin friar, was known for his humble begging and constant blessing of others with "Deo Gratias!" He died on May 18, 1587.
Feast Day of St. Clare
St. Clare of Assisi, inspired by St. Francis, founded the Poor Clares and embraced a life of "privilege of perfect poverty," rejecting marriage plans from her wealthy parents. She died on August 11, 1253.
Assumption of Mary
The Feast of the Assumption celebrates the day when the Blessed Virgin Mary was taken body and soul into heaven, at the end of her earthly life.
Feast of Our Lady of Czestochowa
Our Lady of Czestochowa, also known as the Black Madonna, is a revered painting of the Blessed Virgin with the Child Jesus. She is the Patron and Protector of Poland under this title.
Stigmata of St. Francis
St. Francis may have been the first to receive the marks of the stigmata. In 1224, Francis was visited by an angel and received the miracle.
Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscan orders, lived in Italy during the late 12th and early 13th centuries. He was known for his compassion, care for lepers, and love for nature. He died on October 4, 1226, at Portiuncula, Italy.
Feast Day of Blessed Mary Angela
Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska, born Sophia Camille in 1825, dedicated her life to serving the needy in Poland. Founding the Felician Sisters in 1855, she blended contemplative and active roles in religious life. Her enduring legacy of compassion continues to inspire. She passed away peacefully on October 10, 1899.
Feast of the Presentation of Mary
The Feast of the Presentation of Mary, on November 21st, celebrates Sts. Joachim and Anne dedicating their young daughter, Mary, to God at the Temple.