“Practice toward one another gentleness, understanding and cooperation.”
Blessed Mary Angela
Following the example of our foundress, Blessed Mary Angela, Felician Sisters stand with and advocate for those without a voice in our society — the marginalized, the oppressed, and the vulnerable — working to restore human dignity and rights to all of God’s people.
Partner with us in taking action to promote justice and peace.

Felician Sisters in Kingstree, SC marched to the courthouse with the local community in a gathering against racism.
Dignify “Others”
Treating people as fundamentally different from ourselves — “othering” — fails to recognize that they too, are children of God. Excluding a coworker or classmate and judging people with different traditions or religious beliefs are ways we may be othering and not aware of it.
Take Action:
- Broaden your social circle; befriend people from different backgrounds.
- Speak up against biased behavior.
- Focus on everyone as individuals with unique histories.
- Recognize that small changes within ourselves are the first step to changing society.
Stop Human Trafficking
The Felician Sisters of North America are founding members of U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking. They provide educational resources, engage in advocacy and support survivors through direct services.
Take Action:
- Become a member of USCSAHT. Ending slavery is everyone’s work.
- Learn about current campaigns in the fight against child sex abuse and forced migration.
- Share the National Human Trafficking Hotline in public places: 888-373-7888.

S.O.A.P. (Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution) distributes soap with National Human Trafficking Hotline information at high-risk motels.
End Gun Violence
As part of a coalition of over 50 congregations of women religious called Nuns Against Gun Violence, Felician Sisters support survivors and youth activists. We amplify our unified voice as Catholic Sisters to advocate for changes to gun laws.
Take Action:
- Read about victims and pray for their families and friends.
- Contact members of Congress to urge support for sensible gun restrictions.
- Take positive action. Be inspired by Zeneta Everhart’s response to gun violence.

After her son survived a shooting, Zeneta Everhart created a bookclub to educate about diversity. She says, “Our differences should make us curious, not angry.”

“Let us also love our neighbors as ourselves. Let us have charity and humility.”
St. Francis of Assisi
Welcome Immigrants
Felician Sisters work at the Southern U.S. border with Águilas del Desierto. In their ministries across North America, they provide immigration and naturalization services, teach English and give social supports to immigrants. Felician Sisters welcome all people, treating every human being with dignity and respect.
Take Action:
- Remember that all people are children of God.
- Contact members of Congress to urge support for welcoming asylum seekers.
- Find out how you can sponsor a refugee.
- Learn why some refugees risk their lives. Read Love Our Neighbors.
For more information about our justice and peace initiatives, contact:
Sr. Maryann Agnes Mueller
Justice and Peace Coordinator