Perhaps one of the most powerful ministries happens in the quiet moments.
While prayer is an integral part of the lives of all Felician Sisters, those who are physically unable to participate in external ministries focus their energy and dedicate their days to active prayer for their sisters, the intentions of people who write to them, and the world.

Read “Delivering the Spiritual Energy of Prayer,” that features Sr. Mary Francelita Machina, who prays for many people, including former students.
“Prayer is our full treasure. Whoever prays, receives everything.”
Blessed Mary Angela
We call our sisters who take on this ministry our “powerhouses of prayer” because they have turned their physical energy into spiritual energy.
We receive prayer requests every day, and these intentions are not taken lightly. When people ask for prayers, their names are also said out loud during common morning prayer.
Pray With Us. Hear Felician Sisters, novices and postulants tell what prayer means to them in What is Prayer? Then, learn many types of prayer that will help you grow in your faith.