I went to Catholic school at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School in Hopewell, PA. Growing up, I loved going to Mass on Fridays. Sr. Margaret Frazer (Sr. Margie), who has now passed on to the heavenly gates, would always sit with us. I remember feeling so special when she would come and sit with our grade — and even better, right next to me!
About 15 years later, I ran into Sr. Margie at a retreat at the Sisters’ house in Baden, PA. It was a major blast from the past, and I got to sit down and eat lunch with her, catching her up on my life, being done with college and having a career of my own. We talked about Fatima, and how I still am there as a basketball coach. I am now working in the Fatima parish grouping, Mary, Queen of Saints Parish, as the youth minister and communications director. I think about her often, and hope she would be proud.
— Rachael
From the Editor: Sr. Margaret Frazer (Sr. Margie) was a Sister of St. Joseph who taught alongside Felician Sisters at Our Lady of Fatima School in Hopewell, PA.