Having lived in a war zone for 18 months, Ukrainians continue to receive aid from Felician sisters in Poland. Hundreds of Felician Sisters minister to people impacted by the war in Ukraine: refugees, soldiers, children and families. The Felician province in Przemysl has two convents in Ukraine, and sisters recently sent updates and thanks to those who offer ongoing support and prayers.
Letter from Ukraine
From her convent in Ukraine, Sr. Mary Michalina Dobry wrote to thank the beloved sisters and all donors for help, material support and especially for prayer, “which is most needed by us and all those whom God puts on our paths in this difficult time of war.” Her letter, translated by Sr. Mary Rosita Brennnan, provincial counselor of the Felician Sisters of North America, contrasts the beauty of the land with the horror of war.
Sr. Michalina writes, “In our beautiful city, in the heart of the Carpathian Mountains, outside the window the sun shines and the birds sing. People are busy with their own affairs… And yet, on the large billboards in the city center, huge photographs and short biographies of the Heroes of Ukraine from our town, who gave their lives for the Motherland, do not allow us to forget that there is a war going on.”
Living in fear that the enemy could blow up the nuclear power plant, they nevertheless have grown used to the constant bomb alarms.
Humanitarian Aid
Every day, from Monday through Friday, dozens of families come to the parish humanitarian aid center for internally displaced persons. Since the beginning of the war, more than 22,000 people have received help there. These families have lost everything: their homes, their jobs and their daily routines. Most of them have lost relatives who have died during this war. The sisters give them basic food products, cleaning products, sweets and children’s toys. More importantly, they give emotional support and assurances of prayer. Sr. Michaelina writes, “The difficult conversations, the pain and suffering of these people, who a year and a half ago lived normally — just like all of us — is heartbreaking.
Fortunately, God gives us the strength to go to them again the next day with a good word, support and assurance of prayer”
She sends blessings: “May God reward every gesture of goodness and kindness a hundredfold.”
Supplies for Zablotiv
From Zablotiv, Ukraine (Polish: Zablotów), Felician Sisters also send thanks for North American prayers and material support. The sisters continue to minister to the local population, including residents of surrounding towns, refugees, soldiers at the front, families with disabled people, elderly people and those who are alone. Crucial support from the sisters and donors of North America has helped to meet the most basic needs of the Ukrainian people. Donations have been used to purchase sugar, rice, buckwheat, barley, corn, oil, flour, tea, coffee, and sweets for children. The sisters are efficient — they buy groats and sugar in large bags and then pack them into smaller portions to give them away. Medicines are purchased for people who do not have money to buy their own. Donations are also used to purchase much-needed cleaning supplies and hygiene necessities, including soap and shampoo. Washing powders and wet wipes help families with bedridden patients at home. Donations also provide supplies to one of the hospitals at the front, where staff are dedicated with caring for soldier and civilian casualties. The sisters express their gratitude: “We only mediate in this message. The heroes are those who support us.”
You Can Help
If the war ended today, the needs of the Ukrainian people and refugees would continue for many years. Please keep our Ukrainian sisters and brothers in your prayers. If you would like to support the efforts of our sisters in Poland, give now to the Ukraine Crisis Fund. 100% of the funds we collect are sent to our Polish provincial houses for the needs of Ukrainian refugees.
Thank you, and God bless all who have given.