Members of an international community of women religious founded in Poland in 1855, the first Felician Sisters arrived in North America in 1874. By the middle of the twentieth century, they had established eight provinces across the United States and Canada, pioneering in social services and education and following the example of their foundress, Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska. In 2009, they merged into one Our Lady of Hope Province. The Felician Sisters continue to follow the spiritual ideals of Saints Francis of Assisi, Clare of Assisi, and Felix of Cantalice, as they seek to fulfill their mission to “cooperate with Christ in the spiritual renewal of the world.”

Sister Mary Joanita Ziemba
Sister Mary Joanita was a Felician Sister for 70 years.

A Response from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) to These Times
A framework that could help us remember who we are, what we stand for, and how we can be as we live in these turbulent times.

Champion of Education Honored
Sr. Mary Johnice Rzadkiewicz received the Champion of Education award for her lifelong commitment to service.

Celebrating the 200th Birthday of Blessed Mary Angela
A Letter from S Judith Marie Kubicki, CSSF, Provincial Minister

Sister Mary Honorata Grzeszczuk
Sister Mary Honorata was a Felician Sister for 35 years.

Sister Lucille Marie Bruno
Sister Lucille Marie was a Felician Sister for 69 years.

Sister Mary Virgilyn Grabowski
Sister Mary Virgilyn was a Felician Sister for 63 years.

Sister Mairead Moya’s Rite of Initiation
Sister Mairead’s Rite of Initiation marks the beginning of her spiritual formation as a Felician novice.

An Advent Call of Mission Within a Mission
Sr. Inga and Sr. Marilyn bring much-needed aid and supplies to Haiti’s communities.

Pilgrimage of Hope – Jubilee Year 2025
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chapel in Livonia, MI, becomes a designated pilgrimage site for Jubilee Year 2025.
Serving where needed since 1874
Founded in Poland in 1855, the Felician Sisters are a congregation of women religious inspired by the spiritual ideals of their foundress, Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska, and Saints Francis of Assisi, Clare of Assisi and Felix of Cantalice. Arriving in North America in 1874 following Blessed Mary Angela’s directive “to serve where needed,” they helped to weave the social service system. Today, the Felician Sisters founded, sponsor or support through the presence of our sisters, more than 40 ministries – all continuing to evolve to meet the needs of the people they serve.
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