Counting from the date of her first profession, a sister joyfully marks the years dedicated to ministry and community. Full of gratitude and admiration for the loving examples of these sisters, we rejoice in their fidelity to Blessed Mary Angela’s mission and vision.

Generosity of Jubilees

Felician Jubilarians

Three Felician Sisters Celebrate 60th Jubilee

Sister Mary Geralyn Mroczkowski Celebrates Golden Day of Jubilee

Pentecost Jubilee Surprise in Buffalo

Felician Sisters Hold May Crowning at New Jersey Convent

Sr. Christine Marie Stankiewicz Celebrates her 50th Jubilee
Serving where needed since 1874
Founded in Poland in 1855, the Felician Sisters are a congregation of women religious inspired by the spiritual ideals of their foundress, Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska, and Saints Francis of Assisi, Clare of Assisi and Felix of Cantalice. Arriving in North America in 1874 following Blessed Mary Angela’s directive “to serve where needed,” they helped to weave the social service system. Today, the Felician Sisters founded, sponsor or support through the presence of our sisters, more than 40 ministries – all continuing to evolve to meet the needs of the people they serve.
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