The Sister Jubilarians from Blessed Mary Angela and Immaculate Heart of Mary Convents in Buffalo, New York, awoke to a surprise celebration on Sunday, May 31, the beautiful feast of Pentecost.
The Sister Jubilarians include Sr. Mary Bronisia Muzalewski and Sr. Mary Maxine Kaminski celebrating their 75th anniversary; Sr. Mary Josanne Buszek, Sr. Mary Thomas Frys, Sr. Mary Mark Janik, Sr. Mary Michele Mazur, and Sr. Mary John Lawicki celebrating their 70th anniversary; Sr. Mary Lorianne Tylczynski, Sr. Mary Kenneth Mondrala, Sr. Patricia AnnMarie Sylvester, and Sr. Mary Blaise Surlas enjoying their 60th anniversary.
“We cannot enjoy this day as we would if we weren’t quarantined,” said Sr. Paul Marie Baczkowski, local minister of Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent, “but we will celebrate with these sisters as best we can. We want them to know we love them and are thinking about them during this year of their Jubilee of religious life.”
All the sisters enjoyed fresh-baked placek (Polish coffee cake) at breakfast from Chrusciki Bakery as a treat from Beth Ann Haseley, director of the Blessed Mary Angela Care Center. Anne Collazo and the kitchen staff prepared a special lunch and cake. Each Jubilarian also received a card arranging for a Mass to be celebrated in her honor by Bishop Edward Grosz, a small bouquet of roses, and a cookie tin of “You Are Awesome” butter cookies.
According to Sister Paul Marie, the Jubilarians enjoyed their quarantined Jubilee celebration and they realize they are loved as all the sisters were thinking about and praying for them.