Praise the Lord – the priests, Sisters, and lay people taken hostage last month have been released after a ransom was paid. While the violence and demonstrations still affect every aspect of life in Haiti, our missionaries are still finding cause for celebration at Felician Mission: Haiti.
As they do every year, the Sisters gathered the children to honor our Blessed Mother Mary with a May crowning. They processed, sang, and placed a crown of flowers on the statue of our patron, Our Lady of Perpetual Hope. We pray she will continue to watch over us and our neighbors, especially in these difficult times.
Another cause for celebration was the progress on our wells. Water for Life was in Jacmel from May 3-6, to dig wells for Felician Mission: Haiti and our bakery. After several hours of praying and watching and waiting – and digging down 290 feet – they found water. Now we wait for the pump to be installed. Digging at the bakery site had to be delayed due to heavy rains that left the area too muddy for the heavy machinery, but we are hopeful that well will be completed soon.