For more than 700 years, the Church’s Jubilee Years (once every 25 years) have served as holy times to pause, pray, seek the Lord’s pardon, and merciful grace. One of the most important observances of a Jubilee Year is the pilgrimage, “making our way through the world to appreciate the beauty of creation, recall the need for silence and recollection, form friendships with fellow travelers, and seek Christ who is the way and the gateway to eternal life.”
Since very few can travel to Rome to pass through the Jubilee’s Holy Doors opened by Pope Francis, the Most Reverend Allen Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit, designated twelve pilgrimage sites throughout the metro-Detroit area where the faithful could pray the official prayer for the Jubilee Year 2025 as they seek reconciliation and receive a plenary indulgence, while they unite themselves spiritually with all who would journey as pilgrims to Rome.
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chapel in Livonia, Michigan received the honor of being named as one of these specially designated sites.

In the case of this chapel (which is on the same grounds as Madonna University) it is expected that the Pilgrimage of Hope would flourish among the youth of the area. Furthermore, it is anticipated that with the “ministry of presence” on the part of so many Felician Sisters in Livonia, there would be a renewed response to the “needs of the people” as shown by the early followers of Blessed Mary Angela in America 150 years ago. It appears that during the next Jubilee Year, 25 years from now, these sisters will be guiding others from above, while the youth of today will take the lead of caring for society.
The opening of the pilgrimage site in Livonia, MI, took place on January 5. Reverend Gary Michalik, chaplain, along with Felician Sisters, associates and many members of the congregation, gathered in the back of Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chapel. Following the opening rites, the procession moved forward and the Sunday Mass of the Epiphany followed.
At the conclusion of the Eucharistic Liturgy, Father Michalik led the assembly in the official prayer for the Jubilee Year 2025, uniting everyone spiritually with all who will journey as pilgrims to Rome. Father Gary also encouraged everyone to frequently pray in this Chapel and to visit other designated pilgrimage sites throughout the archdiocese.