One of the memorable events in the life of a Felician Sister is her Rite of Initiation. A day to receive your religious name, Felician garb, and acceptance into a special formation time called novitiate – an important time of deepening one’s spiritual life and learning more about living as a Felician Sister. This opportunity came to Mairead Murphy on a special day in the Church – the vigil of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, December 7, 2024.
The ceremony took place at the Provincial House in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania during a solemn Evening Prayer. Mairead entered into this celebration with great joy and anticipation. Sister Shannon Fox gave a beautiful reflection on Mairead’s life in community. Sister Mary Victoria Richardson, postulant director, performed liturgical movement with incense to enhance the ceremony. With song and words of praise Mairead stood before her Lord Jesus and the Felician community to answer the questions of Sister Judith Marie Kubicki, provincial minister, and receive the blessings and graces of the event. She heard her new name, Sister Mairead Moya Murphy (Moya is an Irish form of Mary) and received her garb. Sister Judith then entrusted her in the hands of Sister Christina Marie Conroy, novice director, for a two year period of formation before First Vows. The “Magnificat” (Canticle of Mary) was then sung with heartfelt gratitude for the blessing of this candidate for consecrated life. Greetings and blessings from the sisters in attendance as well as the Zoom participants followed the ceremony.
Let us pray for Sister Mairead Moya Murphy as she continues her time of discernment as a Felician novice.