Voting with Intention

Your vote shapes the future. Discover why voting with intention and unity is vital for a stronger, more inclusive nation.

As the presidential election nears, your vote carries immense power. Voting is not only a right but a responsibility—a chance to shape the future of our nation. Across the globe, over 50 countries will hold national elections this year, yet many will not be free or fair. In the U.S., we have the privilege to vote in a democracy, and with that, the responsibility to make it count.

Casting a ballot is more than just selecting a leader. It’s a call to reflect on our values and the legacy we wish to leave. We must ask: Who do we want to be as a nation? Are we builders of bridges, striving for unity and understanding? Or are we contributing to division?

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Voting is just one step. We must engage in our communities, listen to one another, and work toward solutions that benefit everyone. The energy we put into the world matters, and we are responsible for creating spaces of mutual respect and understanding. This November, let’s not just vote—let’s vote with intention, committed to a brighter future for all.


By Dianna Ortiz, OSU, Pax Christi USA Teacher of the Year

God, promise keeper of the new creation, in this election season, guide us to be Gospel-informed voters, who stand on the side of justice and truth.

As a community of conscience, we recognize our shared responsibility in righting the wrongs that dishonor and dehumanize the dignity of the most vulnerable among us.

As a community of conscience, we acknowledge the harm that has been done to the environment and the urgency to work collectively to care for the Earth, our common home.

We see our country in turmoil – experiencing a time of chaos that not only impacts every person of this nation, but peoples from across the globe.

As individuals and a faith community, we recognize that we bear a privilege and a burden to vote our conscience and to make choices that will and do affect the future of everyone.

As we ready ourselves to go to the polls this November, may our time of discernment be rooted in the teachings of Jesus, our faith and our common life together.

May our faith guide us to vote for genuine servant leaders, who, like Jesus, will welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner, embrace the sick and dying, and promote peace and nonviolence.

Send your Spirit to be with us as we cast votes for the common good, and, regardless of the outcome, may we continue to work for a more just, sustainable world. May we always stand on the side of justice and truth. Amen

Virtual Prayer Space

Join us for contemplative prayer during the National Election. These days of prayer are for bridging the divide between culture, religion and politics through the witness and commitment women religious make to the power of collective contemplation.

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Serving where needed since 1874

Founded in Poland in 1855, the Felician Sisters are a congregation of women religious inspired by the spiritual ideals of their foundress, Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska, and Saints Francis of Assisi, Clare of Assisi and Felix of Cantalice. Arriving in North America in 1874 following Blessed Mary Angela’s directive “to serve where needed,” they helped to weave the social service system. Today, the Felician Sisters founded, sponsor or support through the presence of our sisters, more than 40 ministries – all continuing to evolve to meet the needs of the people they serve.

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